Browsing Reflections


     We are in the season of long nights and this can be a time for quiet reflection before the rush of holiday activities. It CAN BE a time to see! See what? you may rightfully ask.

     Although it’s dark outside, ask what is going on inside you? Do you experience the light of peace or the glare of unachievable expectations of others?

     Do not be afraid of the dark. Rather let the light of reality clarify your interior insight now before you are overwhelmed with the dark social “shoulds” and “oughts”. For anyone who can take the time to stop the rush of artificial expectations of a tinseled world, this can be a time of newly discovered self-acceptance and serenity. I’ve seen people do it. Really!

     What are the characteristics of such a discovery? The most common vision I believe is the ability to see through the illusions offered as Happiness.

     No invitation, no glittering gift, no temporary thrill gives a person real and lasting peace. Certainly we like to be accepted, to receive unexpected surprises but these “highs” are fleeting and do not define our goodness, our value, our unique self.

     Now is the time to get in touch with your true self whose happiness does not depend on anything or anyone else. REALLY. If you think you will only be happy if that certain someone gives you a special surprise, you are shortchanging your own integrity. You have all the resources for happiness within your very self, right now!

     Jesus came to teach us how to live life abundantly. He had nothing at birth; he was misunderstood by many; condemned to die by those who were more fearful than loving; and is the Christ of the resurrection who continues to offer peace beyond our normal understanding.

     That is the light in our darkness! When we understand Him and His role in our lives, no one and nothing can give us or take from us the true happiness which is freeing and affirming and learned in the dark to be shared in the light!

     Spend a little time in the darkness and discover the light the world does not understand.

Bob Ross, SJ, Assisting Priest


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