Browsing Reflections


     As they say, “it takes a village to educate a child”.  Proper education and formation need collaboration in between all stakeholders. St. Xavier Parish Community has just kicked-off a number of faith formation programs for 2016-17. Key programs include Religious Education (preparing the youth for initiation sacraments) and RCIA (preparing adults for the same sacraments).

    The two programs intend to equip the participant with proper knowledge about the Catholic faith, and subsequently to enable them to live and manifest it in their daily lives. Both groups will be instructed and guided by trained formators and mentors. We thank all who dedicate their time, knowledge and energy in order to help our children and adults to grow in good understanding of the Catholic faith.

     Gratitude also to the parents for entrusting their children into the hands of these fine formators!

Faith formation however, does not end in classes or in church on a Sunday!  It is a continuous exercise. We need “outside class accompaniment”. Parents, family members and caretakers of the candidates are invited and encouraged to be close to them. They too can contribute in this formation though practices of reciting family prayers, reading spiritual books, sharing and reflecting on the Sunday readings and other practices of faith that will help students to deepen their love of God.

     The RCIA deals with people completely new to the fold! They are in many ways seekers who need special care and attention. Theirs is more of a journey of discovering and embracing Catholicism. The RCIA candidates will be assisted by seasoned Catholic formators and mentors. They will also have some sponsors to accompany them. As they continue to explore and discover the Catholic faith they need our prayers and moral support and encouragement.

     We need also to make them always welcome, and feel that we are with them in this journey. As they move from one stage of their formation to another let us be mindful of them and assist them in any way we are invited to do. We call for your support according to your own talents, time and space!

     Finally, for those who seek adult spirituality, please consider attending our frequent Speakers Series and our evening presentations.  See our article in this bulletin about weekday lunch programs as well.  May all these formation programs produce solid future Catholics who will continue to spread the Good News to all nations!

Fr. Sossy Luyembe


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